The below RFB information is posted at the request of Brad Bury from Enel X on behalf of Marshall Energy Center North:
Enel X is pleased to announce an upcoming Request for Bids (“RFB”) on behalf of Marshall Energy Center North (“MEC North”) for desired energy, capacity, or combined energy and capacity products and contract terms. This RFB has been designed to be intentionally open-ended with respect to solicited contracts to provide interested Bidders with an opportunity to propose desired, unique, contract structures.
RFB Overview
MEC North is seeking competitive bids in response to this RFB from qualified parties (“Bidders”) for desired energy, capacity, or combined energy and capacity products and contract terms.
Complete RFB details, including specific products and pertinent product details, are hosted on the MEC North Announcement webpage on the Enel X Auction Exchange. Bidders without Enel X Exchange user accounts (required to access the MEC North Announcement webpage) should reach out to and a member of the team will assist you in obtaining login credentials.
Next Steps
- Bidders interested in participating must submit a non-binding Notice of Intent package via email to by 5:00 PM EPT on Friday, October 16th, 2020
- MEC North will schedule individual consultations with Bidders having submitted Notices of Intent between Monday, October 19th, 2020 and Wednesday, November 4th, 2020.
- Bidders are invited to submit RFB related questions via email to Enel X at through 5:00 PM EPT on Friday, November 6th, 2020
- Final Bidder Proposals Due by 5:00 PM EPT on Friday, November 20th, 2020
RFB Process
Bids shall only be conveyed and accepted through pricing events held on the Enel X Auction Exchange. Bidders that have submitted Notice of Intent packages will be provided with usernames and passwords on the Enel X Auction Exchange and associated bidding permissions. Bidders must be registered and have a Participant Agreement in place with Enel X to participate in any executable pricing events on the Enel X Auction Exchange. A copy of the Enel X Wholesale Participant Agreement will be made available upon request.
Bidders will be able to submit complete proposals for any number of energy-only, capacity-only, or bundled energy and capacity products related to the MEC North plant. A prescriptive product list will not be issued in support of this RFB.
Development Partners will support a formal Q&A process and make its team available for individual consultations with would-be Bidders in support of this RFB and the ultimate development of Bidder proposals.
Associated Generation Resource
MEC North is a 500 MW nominal capacity natural gas fired combined cycle generation unit in Calhoun County, Michigan. MEC North will be online in 2024 prior to the MISO Planning Year 2024-25 (June 1, 2024 to May 31, 2025). MEC North is seeking to sell ZRCs derived from the MEC North project (“Planning Resource” or “Capacity Resource”) located in Calhoun County, Michigan and interconnecting with the Michigan Electric Transmission Company (“METC”) 345kV system in Local Resource Zone 7 (“LRZ 7”).
Plant specifics can be found in the Additional Information section of the MEC North Announcement webpage.
RFB Schedule (External)
- September 30, 2020: Enel X Releases RFB to Counterparties
- September 30, 2020: Enel X Outreach; Origination Efforts Begin
- September 30, 2020: Questions and Answers Window Opens
- October 16, 2020: Notice of Intent Forms Dues to Enel X
- October 19, 2020: Individual Consultations Scheduled Between Bidders and MEC North
- November 4, 2020: Individual Consultations Between Bidders and MEC North Conclude
- November 6, 2020: Questions and Answers Window Closes
- November 20, 2020: Final Bidder Proposals Due
- December 3, 2020: Award Decisions; Notifications Communicated
- To Be Determined: Resultant Contracts Finalized, Executed
Specifications of Sought Contracts
MEC North is open to a number of different forms of long term energy and capacity offtake agreements. Generally, MEC North is seeking 15+ year contracts for bundled energy and capacity or unbundled capacity-only contracts, although unbundled energy-only contracts or shorter term capacity contracts may also be considered. MEC North may also consider heat rate call options (“HRCOs”) and tolling agreements that included bundled capacity. Longer term and higher value contracts will be the primary focus of this RFB as they will support the amortization of plant investments and plant development.
This RFB has been designed to be intentionally open-ended with respect to solicited contracts to provide interested Bidders with an opportunity to propose desired, unique, contract structures.
The MEC North team will seek to schedule 1-on-1 consultations with each Bidder that submits a Notice of Intent in order to discuss desired contract formats in greater detail and aid in the development of Bidder proposals. Bidders will discuss different proposal variants with the MEC North team and solicit feedback on proposal structure and terms.
Enel X Auction Exchange
Complete RFB details and associated documents can be found on the MEC North Announcement webpage on the Enel X Auction Exchange. Please follow the instructions below to access the Enel X Auction Exchange and MEC North Announcement webpage. Please contact if your company does not have access to the Enel X Auction Exchange or if you require assistance in accessing the MEC North Announcement webpage.