The below information is being forwarded at the request of Central Rivers Power.
Central Rivers Power, the owner operator of 45 hydro- electric facilities totaling 340MWs, is soliciting indicative Expressions of Interest in a long term Power Purchase Arrangement for Energy, Capacity, and Renewable Energy Credits off a 14MW (55GWh/yr) hydro-electric power plant to be located in PJM.
Central Rivers Power is an Affiliate of Hull Street Energy.
The environmental and river communities are increasingly seeing the importance of hydro power to address the challenges of climate change and are now collaborating to advance the renewable energy benefits of hydropower and the environmental and economic benefits of healthy rivers.
Please click here to see a one page infographic on the PPA Opportunity.
We would welcome the opportunity to discuss with interested parties how this baseload hydro resource can be included as a part of resource portfolio as we seek to attain carbon reduction targets.
Please contact me directly to discuss interest, process, transaction elements, details of the project, and next steps.
Andrew Kiss
Vice President, Business Development
HULL STREET ENERGY |Portfolio Companies
4747 Bethesda Ave, Suite 1220
Bethesda, MD 20814
410.245.8843 (c)