The following RFP information is posted at the request of The Energy Authority (“TEA”), on behalf of Great Lakes Utilities (“GLU”).
GLU is seeking bids for Power Purchase Agreements (PPA) and Build-Transfer submissions with a Commercial Operation Date (COD) between 2021- 2023 for A) a portfolio of community-sited, behind-the-meter (BTM) solar installations [Exhibit A], and B) a 20-25 MW front-of-meter (FTM), utility-scale, MISO Capacity Zone 2 solar project to mitigate future market price risk and fuel hedging cost. Full attribute Battery Energy Storage will also be considered for the behind-the-meter projects as outlined in the RFP. GLU seeks to procure Energy, Capacity, and Renewable Energy Credits for a term between 10-20 years. Key tenets of project consideration are project viability, price, congestion risk, and deliverability; GLU is only seeking bids for projects physically located within MISO Capacity Zone 2.
Click on the following document for the GLU RFP Announcement and the link to the TEA RFP website.