ACES/Hallador Energy Company – 2023 MISO Capacity and Energy RFB

Published:January 31, 2023

NAEMA is providing the below Request for Proposals (“RFP”) information on behalf of our member ACES and their client Hallador Energy Company.


Hallador Power Company, LLC is a subsidiary of Hallador Energy Company and is based in Terre Haute, Indiana. In early 2022, Hallador acquired Hoosier Energy’s Merom Coal Generation Station, a 2-unit, 1 GW coal-fired power plant located in Sullivan County, Indiana. Hallador is requesting bid proposals from interested parties who are seeking to purchase MISO capacity or energy from these recently procured assets.

All documents and communications relevant to the Hallador RFP can be found on the RFP website: Please direct all your inquiries to[email protected].