AEPSC PJM Capacity RFP for Kentucky Power Co

Published:August 2, 2022

NAEMA is providing the below Request for Proposals (“RFP”) information on behalf of our member AEPSC

American Electric Power Service Corporation (AEPSC) as agent for Kentucky Power Company (KPCO) is seeking indicative pricing for PJM Capacity for the

2024/2025 Planning Year (PY). Specifically, AEPSC is seeking the following requirements for PJM Capacity:

Volume: 80MWs (the full amount or blocks of 10MWs or greater will be considered)

Term: 24/25 PY

Type: Unit-specific only

Location: RTO LDA

• Transaction to be completed in Capacity Exchange prior to October 7th,2022 • Pricing sent to[email protected] and [email protected] by noon on August 8th, 202

More information can be found here:  2022KentuckyPowerCompanyPJMCapacitySolicitation.pdf