Basin Electric Cooperative – RFP

Published:June 19, 2023

NAEMA is posting this RFP on behalf of our member Basin Electric Cooperative.


Basin Electric Power Cooperative (Basin Electric) is a consumer-owned generation and transmission (G&T) cooperative providing wholesale electric power to 131 member rural electric systems located in nine states including Colorado, Iowa, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Dakota, Minnesota, Montana, South Dakota and Wyoming. Basin Electric’s member systems serve 3 million consumers and span 540,000 square miles.

Basin Electric has loads and resources located on both the eastern and western interconnection. Basin Electric’s obligations within the western interconnection are within the following four balancing areas within the Western Electricity Coordinating Council (WECC): the Western Area Power Administration’s Colorado-Missouri (WACM) and Upper Great Plains West (WAUW) regions, the Pacificorp East region (PACE), and the NorthWestern Energy Montana region (NWMT). Basin Electric’s obligations within the eastern interconnection are in both the Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO) Energy Market and the Southwest Power Pool (SPP) Integrated Marketplace.

Basin Electric has issued Request for Proposals (RFP) several times over the last number of years to find options for fulfilling power supply obligations. During these years, Basin Electric has successfully negotiated and signed multiple contracts through the RFP process. Such an RFP process is utilized to optimize Basin Electric’s system across 9 states and multiple different balancing areas.

Summary of Needs

NorthWestern Energy – Montana (NWMT) Product: Basin Electric will consider proposals for three to five years in duration. Basin Electric also requests that proposals submitted to this RFP be in blocks of 25 MW.

See the RFP here:

Basin Electric RFP for NorthWestern Energy – Montana