EnelX – RFP for Energy Supply for the US GSA

The North American Energy Markets Association is posting this RFP on behalf of our member EnelX and their client the US General Service Administration. Enel X Advisory Services (Enel X) is pleased to announce an upcoming procurement event for the US General Services...

TEA – RFP for Renewable and Mid-term Reliability Resources

The North American Energy Markets Association is posting this RFP on behalf of our member The Energy Authority. Desert Community Energy (DCE) is a California joint powers authority formed to offer a Community Choice Aggregation program in the desert region of...

MidAmerican – MISO Capacity RFP

The North American Energy Markets Association is posting this RFP on behalf of our member MidAmerican Energy Company. MidAmerican Energy Company (MidAmerican) is seeking proposals from qualified and eligible Respondents for the purchase of Capacity for the MISO...