CIPCO – Compliance Specialist – Job Opportunity

The North American Energy Markets Association is pleased to announce the following job opportunity on behalf of our member Central Iowa Power Cooperative (CIPCO). Central Iowa Power Cooperative (CIPCO) is currently searching for a Compliance Specialist to join the...

CIPCO – Electrical Power Engineer – Job Opportunity

The North American Energy Markets Association is pleased to announce the following job opportunity on behalf of our member Central Iowa Power Cooperative (CIPCO). Central Iowa Power Cooperative (CIPCO) is currently searching for an Electrical Power Engineer to join...

TotalEnergies – Multiple Job Opportunities

The North American Energy Markets Association is pleased to announce the following job opportunities on behalf of our member TotalEnergies. About the company: TotalEnergies is a multi-energy company that produces and markets energies on a global scale: oil and...

New Associated Member – Meteomatics AG

NAEMA is pleased to announce that Meteomatics AG (Meteomatics Inc.) is now an Associated Member of the North American Energy Markets Association.   Meteomatics’s member representative is Jim Robinson. His contact information is as follows: Jim Robinson Director...

Charles River Associates – RFP for Energy and Capacity

The North American Energy Markets Association is posting this RFP on behalf of our member that chooses to remain anonymous, the RFP is being managed by Charles River Associates. Charles River Associates (“CRA” or “RFP Manager”) is requesting binding proposals from...