NAEMA is posting this RFB on behalf of our member Clear Energy Brokerage and Consulting, LLC.
An Arkansas based hydroelectric facility is seeking bids for the power, capacity and RECs from their operational project under the below terms and conditions. The Low Impact Hydropower Institute certified facility in eastern SPP produces 57,500 MWhs annually on average.
06/16/23: Indicative bids due
06/23/23 – 07/28/23: buyer due diligence and final bid formulation
08/04/23: Final bid selected
Find the RFB here: RFB AR Hydro power and capacity_2023[1]
For more information please contact Ryan Cook at Clear Energy Brokerage & Consulting, LLC. Direct Dial: 616.528.4682 | E-mail: [email protected] | Cell: 616.540.2905