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Cloverland RFQ for Power Supply

Published:May 20, 2024

The North American Energy Markets Association is posting this RFQ on behalf of our member Cloverland Electric Cooperative.

On June 1, 2029, Cloverland Electric Cooperative’s (Cloverland) will require new power supply agreements to supplement its generation assets in meeting Cloverland’s load demands.

To pseudo formalize Cloverland’s power supply replacement efforts, American Rural Cooperative Power (ARC Power), on behalf of Cloverland is issuing this Request for Quote (RFQ) for power supply. Cloverland is open to consideration of a variety of power supply options including fixed partial-requirements1, asset
ownership, block transactions, swaps, options, and other considerations that meet the parameters of the request.

Cloverland is a distribution and generation cooperative that Cloverland serves customers in five counties in the Eastern Upper Peninsula of Michigan.

Cloverland was founded in 1938 and in 2010 Cloverland acquired Edison Sault Electric. Cloverland also owns a small percentage of ATC LLC. Cloverland is in a unique position, relative to other cooperatives within the state of Michigan, being fully in control of its power supply as to price, portfolio make up, term and delivery points, subsequently offering to its membership stable and attractive electricity rates.

Cloverland from an LDC perspective consists of 4,000 miles of distribution, with approximately 34,000 members and 43,000 metered accounts. Cloverland resides within the 69kV ATC transmission system serving the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. Cloverland is an LSE, MP and EDC within the MISO RTO with its load located within Zone 2 at MIUP.CLOV.

Find the RFQ here.