Enel X/Upper Peninsula Power RFP for MISO Capacity

Published:February 29, 2024

NAEMA is pleased to announce this Request for Proposals for our member Enel X and their client Upper Peninsula Power Company.

Company Overview

A regulated utility, Upper Peninsula Power Company (“UPPCO”) serves approximately 52,000 electric retail customers in 10 of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan’s 15 counties, or about 12 customers per square mile. UPPCO’s service territory of 4,460 square miles covers primarily rural countryside.

The company’s assets include seven hydroelectric renewable energy generation facilities and one combustion turbine providing a total generation capacity of approximately 60 megawatts. UPPCO owns approximately 4,354 distribution line miles which traverse some of the most heavily wooded areas in Michigan. UPPCO also operates 58 distribution substations.

RFP Overview

UPPCO is seeking to procure MISO Seasonal Accredited Capacity (“SAC”) Zonal Resource Credits (“ZRCs”) for the Winter period within Planning Years (“PY” or “PYs”) 2027-2028 and 2028-2029.

UPPCO will accept offers for ZRCs from any Local Resource Zone (“LRZ”) within MISO, with a preference towards MISO North LRZs and LRZ 2 specifically.

UPPCO will collect offers for ZRCs via a structured Request for Proposals (“RFP”) administered by Enel X. UPPCO will be conducting sealed bid auction events on the Enel X Auction Platform that are currently open for offers and set to close at 2:00 PM EPT on March 21, 2024.

Find the RFP here.