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EnelX – Consumers Energy Company RFP

Published:June 28, 2024

The North American Energy Markets Association is posting this RFP on behalf of our member EnelX and their client Consumers Energy Company (Consumers).

Enel X is pleased to announce an upcoming procurement event for Consumers Energy Company (“Consumers”). Consumers is seeking to procure various electric capacity products via web-based pricing events administered by Enel X on the Enel X Auction Platform. Please see below and on the Consumers Announcement webpage for pertinent product and process information. Instructions for accessing the Enel X Auction Platform and the Consumers Announcement webpage are also detailed below.


Consumers invites your company (“Bidder” or “Supplier”) to participate in its upcoming RFP for various electric capacity products. Consumers will evaluate offers for both:

  • Conforming Offers: Annual Midcontinent Independent System Operator, Inc. (“MISO”) Zonal Resource Credits (“ZRCs”) sourced from any LRZ within MISO LRZ 1 through 7 (collectively “MISO North”) across Planning Years (“PY” or “PYs”) 2025-26 through 2029-30 and,
  • Non-Conforming Offers: Alternative capacity products as proposed by bidders, including but not limited to PJM Interconnection (“PJM”) capacity, ZRCs derived from alternative MISO LRZs, and/or offers for seasonal MISO ZRCs.

Consumers will collect conforming offers across two tranches of live reverse auction events on the Enel X Auction Platform, with one tranche for LRZ 7 offers only and an additional tranche for offers derived from LRZ 1 through LRZ 6. Consumers will collect non-conforming offers via a sealed bid submission portal on the Enel X Auction Platform. The pricing events will open for offers beginning at 10:30 AM ET on Thursday, July 18, 2024. Additional details regarding this RFP may be found below, attached, and on the Consumers Announcement webpage.


Bidders must have an Edison Electric Institute (“EEI”) Master Agreement in-place with Consumers Energy and have agreed upon use of the EEI Confirmation Template hosted on the Consumers Announcement Webpage. In order to facilitate enablement activities in advance of the pricing event, unenabled bidders must submit enablement requests via email towholesaleops.enelxnorthamerica@enel.com by no later than 4:00 PM ET on Tuesday, July 2, 2024.


  • Bidders that do not currently have active EEI Master Power Purchase & Sale Agreements in-place with Consumers must reach out to Enel X via email to wholesaleops.enelxnorthamerica@enel.com by 4:00 PM ET on Tuesday, July 2, 2024 to commence enablement efforts.
  • All bidders intending to participate within this RFP process for Consumers must submit an RSVP notice via email towholesaleops.enelxnorthamerica@enel.com by 4:00 PM ET onWednesday, July 10, 2024.
  • The online pricing events for Consumers will be open for offers on the Enel X Auction Platform at 10:30 AM ET on Thursday, July 18, 2024


Conforming Product Details

  • Locational Requirement of Resources Backing Offered ZRCs:
    • Tranche 1 (Lots 1 through 6) – MISO LRZ 7
    • Tranche 2 (Lots 7 through 12) – MISO LRZ 1 through 6 (bidder-specified). Consumers will bear responsibility for zonal price separation for MISO North offers outside of LRZ 7.
  • Sought PYs (May through June):
    • 2025-26
    • 2026-27
    • 2027-28
    • 2028-29
    • 2029-30
  • Term:
    • Lots 1 through 5, Lots 7 through 11 – Annual
    • Lot 6 and Lot 12 – 5 years
  • Auction Format (Lots 1 through 12): Live Reverse
  • Quantity of ZRCs Requested: Up to 400 ZRCs in-total for each applicable PY
  • ZRC Offer Increment, Minimum Offer Quantity: 5 ZRCs
  • Auction Pricing Format: $ / MW-day
  • Auction Opening Price (Lots 1 through 12): $700/MW-day
    • Opening Prices are intended as generic starting points and are not indicative of transactable thresholds.

Non-Conforming Product Details

  • Auction Format (Lot 13): Sealed Bid
    • Bidders may submit for consideration non-conforming offers for alternative capacity products via upload of sealed offer materials (pricing sheets, written proposals, etc.) in response to Lot 13.


*Please note that all times listed on the Enel X Auction Platform are in Eastern Prevailing Time.



Consumers utilizes EEI Master Power Purchase & Sale Agreements to support MISO ZRC transactions. Bidders may find copies of the Consumers EEI Cover Sheet and Transaction Confirmation within the Documents section of the Consumers Announcement webpage.



1) Enter your username and password.

2) Select the ‘Announcements’ tab at the top of the page.

3) Enter Announcement Number 18946 in the Announcement Number search field and click ‘Search’

4) Click on the corresponding underlined Announcement number link to be brought to the Consumers Announcement Webpage. Complete event details are located on the Announcement Webpage.

Find the full RFP here:  Enel X – RFP for Electric Capacity – Online Pricing Events July 18 2024