Farmington, NM -Capacity and Firm Energy Resources RFP

Published:December 4, 2023

The North American Energy Markets Association is posting this request on behalf of our member The Energy Authority and their client The City of Farmington, NM.

Farmington Electric Utility System (FEUS), a municipal utility owned and operated by the City of Farmington, NM, is issuing this RFP seeking Capacity and Firm Energy resources to address near-term needs in 2024 and 2025.

The capacity and firm energy products must meet the requirements for accreditation and dispatch as defined by the Western Area Power Administration’s Rocky Mountain Region balancing authority and Open Access Transmission Tariff.

FEUS is seeking delivery to the San Juan 345 (preferred) or Shiprock 345 OASIS points.

RFP information, including request for proposal documents, are available for review at:

Proposals in response are due by 11:59PM Eastern Prevailing Time, December 20, 2023.

As a trusted public power affiliate, The Energy Authority (TEA) is the administrator for this Request for Proposals (RFP).  

To access the RFP documents, schedule, and terms, please visit TEA’s Marketplace site: