The North American Energy Markets Association is posting this RFP on behalf of our member Great Lakes Utilities (GLU).
Great Lakes Utilities (GLU) is a municipal electric company created to provide low cost and reliable electric power for its members. GLU was formed in 2000 under Wisconsin Statutes Section 66.0825 and, as such, is a public body and a political subdivision of the State of Wisconsin, with separate legal status from that of its members.
In keeping with the vision of GLU and its members, GLU seeks the addition of community-sited, behind-the-meter (BTM) solar installations. The locations selected should be designed to allow for the integration of battery storage concurrently or in the future. GLU is requesting proposals from developers to construct an aggregate generation project consisting of approximately 30 MWs of solar generation in-service between 2026 – 2028. This amount will be adjusted up or down based on numerous factors including additional land availability, project pricing and other operational and logistical factors. GLU is requesting pricing as a build-transfer agreement (BTA) and/or Purchase Power Agreement (PPA).
Those interested in reviewing the RPP and responding shall contact the GLU Official Contact.
GLU Official Contact:
Nicolas Kumm
Great Lakes Utilities
2000 South Central Ave.
Marshfield, WI 54449
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 715-387-1195