Benefits of Membership
NAEMA membership benefits:

Industry Leading Networking and Educational Events
- NAEMA holds annual Spring and Fall conferences
- Outstanding networking, relationship building, and business development opportunities
- Training and education that enhance member professional competence
- A resource to keep abreast of industry trends; enabling members to stay “ahead of the curve” and capitalize on such trends
- Conference hosting and sponsorships provide member organizations with excellent promotional opportunities
- Members enjoy significantly discounted Conference registration fees
- NAEMA offers “virtual,” web-based education/training opportunities in between the Conferences
Access to Valuable Member-Only Information at NAEMA’s website:
- Detailed member contact information
- Member and non-member RFPs and ability to post and send RFPs to NAEMA members and non-members
- Member Job Postings and ability to post and send Job Postings to NAEMA members
- NAEMA’s annual membership dues are very cost-effective, among the lowest in the industry:
- $3,000 for Market & Associated Members
- NAEMA’s Conference registrations fees are also very affordable; we seek to break-even on our conferences:
- $525/registration for Members
- $1,025/registration for Non-Members
- NAEMA’s Virtual Presentation Series events are free to Members; Non-Members pay $50/attendee.
- NAEMA develops and maintains power, gas, and renewable energy contracts and transaction templates
- Power and Gas Master Agreement
- NAEMA Capacity and Energy Tariff
- State specific templates for Renewable Energy Certificates
- NAEMA promotes mutual respect among members, regulatory agencies, marketplace participants, regional transmission organizations and independent transmission system operators