NAEMA is pleased to announce that Elysian Carbon Devco (Elysian) is now an Associated Member of the North American Energy Markets Association.
Elysian’s member representative is James Sweeney. Their alternate representative is Bret Logue. Their contact information is as follows:
James Sweeney
Executive Vice President Development
1816 MacArthur Dr
McLean, VA 22101
[email protected]
Bret Logue
4200 Westheimer Road Suite 975
Houston TX 77027
[email protected]
About Elysian:
Elysian is in the carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) business. Carbon capture is becoming an essential addition to industrial processes currently emitting carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
We acquire, develop, build, own, and operate projects.
Each of our senior team members has been involved in CCS for over a decade. In 2018, we began the development of CCS projects across a variety of sectors throughout the United States.
We are focused on projects that are financeable and replicable.
Elysian is targeting the capture and sequestration of millions of tons of annual carbon emissions with a corporate goal of sequestering 30 million tons per year by 2030. This is the only way to “bend the curve” on climate harming carbon emissions.
Elysian has brought together an industry leading team of seasoned developers with unrivaled project development experience including all phases of carbon capture, transport and storage. Our team members have led project development from concept through financing, construction and commercial plant operations. We have experience in the decarbonization of both industrial and power generation sources employing pre-combustion and post-combustion capture and the capability and experience to address project siting, land acquisition, permitting, pipeline rights-of-way, pipeline conversions, pore space acquisition, Class VI permitting and storage deployment. We have participated in some of the earliest monitoring, reporting and verification plans for such carbon sinks.
The Elysian team includes industry recognized finance veterans with decades of project finance experience in the power and infrastructure sectors who have led or participated in billions of dollars of corporate and project transactions working with many of the leading international and domestic banks, sovereign wealth funds, import-export banks, and insurance and pension funds. Our experience spans all aspects of project financing including tax equity investments, a key part of monetizing 45Q tax credits.
Elysian is a subsidiary of Buckeye Partners a domestic midstream company owned by IFM Investors