New Associated Member – Silurian AI

Published:March 5, 2025

NAEMA is pleased to announce that Silurian AI is now an Associated Member of the North American Energy Markets Association.



Silurian AI’s Member Representative is Greg Erikhman. Their Alternate Representative is Jayesh Gupta. Their contact information is as follows:

Greg Erikham
530 West 45th Street
New York, NY 10036
[email protected]

Jayesh Gupta
800 Bellevue Way NE
Bellevue, WA 98004
[email protected]

About Silurian AI

Silurian AI is a tech startup founded by researchers from Google DeepMind and Microsoft, known for their work on groundbreaking weather models like Aurora and GraphCast. We specialize in foundation models—the same technology revolutionizing chatbots and image generation—now applied at a global scale to transform weather forecasting. Our approach models the Earth’s weather from the ground up, surpassing traditional NWP solutions in accuracy, efficiency, and extreme event prediction.

Silurian looks forward to collaborating with NAEMA members to integrate our forecasts, helping reduce uncertainty in power trading and management.