NAEMA is pleased to announce that Enerfin Renewables, LLC is now a Market Member of the North American Energy Markets Association.
Enerfin’s member representative is Scott A. Hawken. Their alternate representative is Austin Beale. Their contact information is as follows:
Scott A. Hawken
Managing Director
117 4th Street NE
Charlottesville, VA 22902
Austin Beale
Operations Support and Development Analyst
117 4th Street NE
Charlottesville, VA 22902
About Enerfin:
Enerfin Renewables LLC is a wholly owned subsidiary of Enerfin Sociedad de Energía, S.L.U. (Enerfin), a global energy company dedicated to the development and operation of wind and solar energy projects around the world. Enerfín is involved in 1,350MW of operating projects located in Spain, Brazil and Canada, and produces more than 2,300 GWh/year.
Enerfin in turn is wholly owned by the Elecnor Group (Elecnor S.A.). With more than 60 years of continuous growth and a presence in more than 50 countries, Elecnor S.A. has become one of the leading Spanish business groups and a benchmark in the infrastructure, renewable energy and technology sectors. Today, it employs more than 20,000 people around the world.