NorthPoint RFP for Firm Capacity and Energy

Published:October 20, 2023

The North American Energy Markets Association is posting this RFP on behalf of our member NorthPoint Energy.

Summary of Resources Needed

NorthPoint is seeking capacity and energy for import either sourced from or delivered to the Upper Missouri Zone (UMZ) of the SPP. NorthPoint will consider proposals that fall into either one of two tranches: 1) up to 500 MW of firm, dispatchable capacity resource(s), and 2) up to 400 MW (nameplate) of carbon emission-free renewable or hybrid resource(s). NorthPoint seeks Tranche 1 and Tranche 2 resources that will provide up to 500 MW of imported power to balance hourly system needs without exceeding an aggregate emissions intensity threshold of 370 metric tons CO2 per GWh. Combined firm capacity from Tranche 1 and Tranche 2 may not exceed 500 MW. Firm capacity will be accredited as per Section IV.G of the RFP.

NorthPoint requests competitive proposals for 1) resources providing a minimum of 100 MW firm capacity and 2) renewable energy resources providing a minimum of 50 MW nameplate capacity with availability as early as November 1, 2027, and no later than January 1, 2029. Resources will receive points within the evaluation process for having an in-service date earlier in this window.

NorthPoint invites proposals for two general categories of resources, which will be evaluated in separate tranches. For Tranche 1, NorthPoint expects a resource that provides reliable capacity and energy. NorthPoint prefers flexible resources that are shapeable and responsive to changes in actual customer demand. Energy that is non-dispatchable and is proposed as must-take energy will be evaluated in “Tranche 2”. Clean resources in this Tranche that complement the profile of existing generation, including any generation intended to be added as a result of the Tranche 1 evaluation, will be preferred. Overall, clean, flexible, dispatchable resources are increasingly important in helping SaskPower meet its clean energy goals and maintain system reliability and will be valued accordingly.

Find the RFP here.