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Rainbow Energy Marketing Corporation – RFP

Published:July 5, 2022

NAEMA is providing the below RFP information on behalf of our member Rainbow Energy Marketing Corporation (Rainbow).

Rainbow Energy Center, LLC

Request for Proposal: MISO Zone 1 Capacity & Energy

Date Issued: July 05, 2022


Rainbow Energy Center, LLC owns the Coal Creek Generating Station, a 1,151 (MW) coal generation facility located in Underwood, ND.  The affiliated company, Nexus Line, LLC is the owner of the high voltage direct current (HVDC) transmission system that extends between central North Dakota and central Minnesota. Rainbow Energy Center plans to focus on reliable baseload energy from Coal Creek Station with carbon capture and incremental generation from renewables to fully utilize the capacity of the HVDC transmission system.

RFP Overview

Rainbow Energy Center is requesting bid proposals from interested parties who are seeking to purchase Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO) Zone 1 accredited capacity, capacity and energy, or energy only.  

Capacity: Zone 1

The RFP is soliciting bids with a preference of 25 MW blocks for a minimum of at least one year duration starting with MISO Planning Year 2023/2024 and beyond.

Energy: Point of Delivery is at the following CP Nodes*:

Delivery CP Nodes: GRE.REC.CC1_DC & GRE.REC.CC2_DC

*Note: Prior to June 01, 2022, the CP nodes of delivery where GRE.COALC1_DC & GRE.COALC2_DC

Find the full RFP document here:

Rainbow Energy Center Capacity and Energy RFP