RFP & Job Postings
Another valuable benefit of NAEMA membership is the ability to post and distribute RFP’s and Job Posting information.

- If requested, NAEMA member RFP’s will be sent to an extensive email list with over 800 recipients…including NAEMA members, industry participants, and other interested parties. In addition, the RFP information will be posted to NAEMA’s website and LinkedIn page.
- If a non-Member requests that NAEMA distribute an RFP, we will send it to an email list consisting only of NAEMA members. The non-Member RFP information will be posted to NAEMA’s website and LinkedIn page, but details will only be viewable by Members.
- To have an RFP distributed/posted, please send the relevant information and links to [email protected].
- Click here to go to our RFP section

Job Postings
- If requested, NAEMA member Job Posting information will be sent to an extensive email list with over 800 recipients…including NAEMA members, industry participants, and other interested parties. In addition, the Job Posting information will be posted to NAEMA’s website and LinkedIn page.
- Non-member Job Posting information will not be distributed/posted.
- To have a Job Posting distributed/posted, please send the relevant information and links to [email protected].
- Click here to go to our Job Postings section