TEA/JEA RFP for Solar and Energy Storage Resources

Published:January 31, 2023

NAEMA is posting this RFP on behalf of our member The Energy Authority and their customer JEA.


Although Florida does not have a state Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS), JEA purchases energy from several solar sites across the service territory, ranging from 1 to 12MW in size. JEA is soliciting turnkey solutions to develop four parcels of JEA-owned land to increase its solar and energy storage (i.e. battery energy storage system or BESS) resources. The land will be provided by JEA, and the Respondent will be required to satisfy all other requirements related to project development. JEA is seeking for full attribute, solar, and/or solar + storage resource power purchase agreements (PPA) with a commercial operation date (COD) in 2026. Each parcel must be developed to its maximum generation potential with sites greater than 50MW and not to exceed 74.9MW AC. Key tenets of project consideration are project viability and price.  The RFP can be found below:

JEA 2023 Solar RFP