TEA/United Power – RFP

Published:June 23, 2023

NAEMA is posting this RFP on behalf of our member The Energy Authority and their client United Power Inc.

United Power Inc. is seeking long-term power supply resources to meet its electric needs while also achieving its environmental goals and adherence to regulatory requirements. UPI will consider a variety of wholesale power offtake structures including, but not limited to partial-requirements, block power, and offtake from new and existing resources. All proposals should consider the likelihood that UPI will transition from a bilateral market to regional transmission organization (RTO) in the future.

UPI is also seeking a strategic development partnership with an experienced developer. The focus of this partnership will be to efficiently plan and execute distributed energy resource projects on UPI’s distribution system. Respondents should consider a collaborative process that provides UPI with the flexibility to navigate future uncertainty.

UPI is a member-owned, not-for-profit, distribution-only rural electric cooperative. Its mission is to provide reliable electric power and outstanding service safely and efficiently to its more than 300,000 members. Its service territory encompasses approximately 900 square miles along Colorado’s northern Front Range and extends from the mountains of Coal Creek and Golden Gate to the farmlands of Brighton, Hudson, and Keenesburg.

UPI is currently a Tri-State Generation and Transmission Cooperative (Tri-State) full-requirements customer. Its load resides in two balancing authorities: Public Service Company of Colorado (PSCO) and Western Area Power Administration, Colorado-Missouri (WACM). The agreement with Tri-State ends on April 30, 2024. Beginning May 1, 2024, UPI will be responsible for supplying its own wholesale power needs.

As a trusted public power affiliate, The Energy Authority (TEA) is the administrator for this Request for Proposals (RFP). To access the RFP document and necessary proposal forms, please visit TEA’s RFP Marketplace: https://rfpmarketplace.teainc.org/

For questions, please email: [email protected]

Find the RFP here.