Thank You from Bright Future Foundation

Published:February 26, 2024

The North American Energy Markets Association received the attached letter from Bright Future Foundation thanking the Association for our contribution to the Foundation.

As many of you know, NAEMA picks a charitable cause at each location where we hold a conference and raise money through a raffle and through donations for that cause.  At East Meets West, in Vail Colorado during January 29-31 this year, we donated $2,617 to Bright Future Foundation.  The generosity of the 50/50 raffle winner is much appreciated, as he donated 50% of his winnings to the Bright Future Foundation.

“Bright Future Foundation makes futures brighter for victims of domestic violence and sexual assault in our community.”

We thank everyone that helped make this contribution possible, and we look forward to continuing this NAEMA tradition at future venues.  NAEMA will be contributing to Starlight.Org (giving hope to hospitalized kids) at Palm Springs, and we would appreciate ideas for the upcoming conferences in Nashville (Fall ’24) and Scottsdale (Spring ’25).

Tim Berrigan
Executive Director & CEO

Mukti Patel
Conference Director