Virtual Presentation: The Challenge — and Opportunity — of Decarbonization

Published:February 12, 2021

On February 10, 2021, NAEMA is presented a panel discussion regarding: The Challenge — and Opportunity — of Decarbonization

The presenters included: Christopher Knittel, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (or M.I.T.), Nicole Bouchez, New York ISO, and Tara Fowler, Xcel Energy; with Bret Estep, Tenaska Power Services and NAEMA Board of Directors serving as the Moderator.

The panel discussed how the US can provide reliable and cost effective electricity for an increasingly electrified world while also reducing CO2 emissions and balancing economic and environmental effects.  The discussion centered on creating CO2 prices, taxes, RPS-like standards, and/or markets as potential solutions.

The discussion was lively and attendee feedback indicates that this was one of the most popular Virtual Presentation to date!