Virtual Presentation: A Global Call on Demanding Times

Published:May 27, 2020

On May 27, 2020, NAEMA presented A Global Call on Demanding Times by Energy Aspects. With US power markets facing the deepest demand trough in decades, Peter Rosenthal (Head of Power) provided Energy Aspects’ outlook on peak summer 2020 and winter 2020-21 power market fundamentals and prices, while Ashwin Ravichandran (Natural Gas Analyst) provided the view on natural gas basis markets.  You can watch the full video presentation on this page, below.

Original Date/time:  Wednesday, May 27, 2020 – 3:00 EDT (1 hour)

Presenter: Peter Rosenthal (Head of Power),  Energy Aspects

As part of its mission of promoting timely discussion of key trends and issues by industry experts, NAEMA will be presenting additional virtual sessions on hot topics in the energy market in the coming months. Check the Upcoming Conferences & Events tab for future sessions.

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