Virtual Presentation: NERC’s 2021 Summer Reliability Assessment

Published:June 24, 2021

On June 23, 2021, NAEMA presented NERC’s 2021 Summer Reliability Assessment by John Moura (Director of Reliability Assessment & Performance Analysis) and Mark Olsen (Manager of Reliability Assessments) from the North American Electric Reliability Corp. (NERC).

In their presentation, John and Mark discussed the results of NERC’s 2021 Summer Reliability Assessment which suggests California, Texas, New England and parts of the Midwest face an “elevated risk” of energy emergencies this summer.  They reviewed the factors behind the elevated risk, including above average seasonal temperatures, grid transformation to more weather dependent generation resources, and wildfire-related outages compromising inter-state energy transfers.  They further discussed region specific assessments for Texas, the Northwest Power Pool and Rocky Mountain region, MISO, New England, and the Californian-Mexico region.  John and Mark also answered numerous questions from attendees regarding topics such as the reliability impact of nuclear retirements, longer-term reliability assessment trends, and steps being taken to address reliability concerns.