WAPA RFIP for Capacity

Published:October 12, 2023

The North American Energy Markets Association is posting this RFIP on behalf of our member Western Area Power Administration.


Western Area Power Administration – Upper Great Plains Customer Service Region (WAPA) is distributing this Request for Indicative Proposals (RFIP) to identify alternatives for firm capacity supply for the United States Department of Air Force (Air Force), Ellsworth Air Force Base (Ellsworth AFB), located near Rapid City, South Dakota, for the summer season(s) to begin on May 1, 2024, May 1, 2025, May 1, 2026, May 1, 2027, and/or May 1, 2028. Following a review of the Indicative Proposals received in response to this RFIP, WAPA, on behalf of the Air Force, will select one or more suppliers for negotiations or issue a more refined request for proposals. If WAPA, on behalf of the Air Force, does engage in direct negotiations with one or more suppliers as a result of this RFIP, material changes in price or non-price terms and conditions (except for adjustments to reflect changes to forward market price curves) may result in elimination from further consideration.

Find the RFP here:  Ellsworth WAPA-UGP_RFIP_2024