WPPI RFP for Capacity & Peaking Energy

Published:July 7, 2023

The North American Energy Markets Association is posting this RFP on behalf of our member WPPI Energy.

WPPI Energy (“WPPI”) invites proposals for short to medium term capacity with or without associated peaking energy rights. WPPI’s primary interest is for up to 100 MW of MISO Zonal Resource Credits (“ZRCs”) for the summer season (June – August) in any of the next five planning years beginning June 1, 2024, in MISO Local Resource Zone (“LRZ”) 1 or 2. WPPI will also consider variations to our primary interest, such as sourcing capacity from LRZs 3 – 7 or the MISO PJM External Resource Zone, supplying annual capacity vs. summer season only, including rights to peaking energy or proposing an exchange of summer capacity for WPPI’s surplus capacity in other seasons.

Responses to this RFP are due by close of business (5:00 p.m. CPT) on Friday, August 4, 2023. Complete product and RFP details can be found within the RFP document below.

WPPI RFP for Capacity & Peaking Energy