NAEMA is providing the below RFP information on behalf of our member WPPI:
WPPI Energy (WPPI) is interested in buying energy for July and/or August 2022 and invites proposals from parties interested in selling 5 x 16 on-peak energy.
The preferred delivery point is in the proximity of WPPI’s main load zone in eastern Wisconsin (CPNode WEC.WPPI). Delivery will be accomplished using Financial Schedules in the MISO Day-Ahead market.
RFP responses are due on Friday, May 20, by 5:00 p.m. Central Prevailing Time with indicative pricing. WPPI will negotiate contract terms with short-listed bidders by June 1 and plans to use either the NAEMA 2019 Power and Gas Master Agreement or the EEI Master Power Purchase & Sale Agreement as the governing agreement. Bidders will be given the opportunity to refresh pricing on June 2 and the winning bidder(s) will be informed on June 3.
WPPI’s contact for the RFP is Peter Shatrawka ( ). Thank you for your consideration.