WAPA RFIP for Capacity

The North American Energy Markets Association is posting this RFIP on behalf of our member Western Area Power Administration. Introduction Western Area Power Administration – Upper Great Plains Customer Service Region (WAPA) is distributing this Request for...

ACES RFP on behalf of Central Electric Power Cooperative, Inc.

The North American Energy Markets Association is posting this RFP on behalf of our member ACES for their client Central Electric Power Cooperative, Inc. (Central) ACES is conducting a request for proposals (RFP) for Firm Load-Following Power Supply on behalf of...

Kindle Energy – RFB for Offtake From Magnolia Power Station

The North American Energy Markets Association is posting this RFB on behalf of our member Kindle Energy, LLC. Kindle Energy, LLC is issuing this Request for Proposals (“RFP”) to solicit bids for the sale of capacity and/or energy, either bundled or individually, from...

ACES/Platte River – RFP for Capacity and Associated Energy

NAEMA is posting this RFP on behalf of our members ACES and Platte River Power Authority. Platte River is a not-for-profit, community-owned public power utility that generates and delivers safe, reliable, environmentally responsible, and financially sustainable energy...

WPPI RFP for Capacity & Peaking Energy

The North American Energy Markets Association is posting this RFP on behalf of our member WPPI Energy. WPPI Energy (“WPPI”) invites proposals for short to medium term capacity with or without associated peaking energy rights. WPPI’s primary interest is for up to 100...