eRenewable – RFB for Domestically Produced Solar Panels

The North American Energy Markets Association is posting this RFB on behalf of our member eRenewable. ERENEWABLE is pleased to announce the following domestic solar panels available for purchase from their client.  The client has secured 500MW of Domestically...

Clear Energy – RFB for SPP Energy, Capacity, and RECs

NAEMA is posting this RFB on behalf of our member Clear Energy Brokerage and Consulting, LLC. Summary An Arkansas based hydroelectric facility is seeking bids for the power, capacity and RECs from their operational project under the below terms and conditions. The Low...

ACES – RFP on Behalf of Western Farmers

NAEMA is posting this RFP on behalf of our member ACES and their client Western Farmers Electric Cooperative. On behalf of Western Farmers Electric Cooperative (WFEC), ACES is conducting an SPP Power Supply Resources RFP. WFEC is a member-owned, not-for-profit,...

Enel X – RFP on Behalf of WPPI

NAEMA is posting this RFP on behalf of our member Enel X and their client WPPI. Enel X is pleased to announce the upcoming Request for Proposals (“RFP”) on behalf of WPPI Energy for On-Peak (5 x 16) Energy only (Firm LD). RFP Overview WPPI is seeking to procure...

EVO Seeking Bids: on behalf of Sabanci Renewables

NAEMA is posting this RFB on behalf of our member, Evolution Markets (EVO) and their client Sabanci Renewables. Background Evolution Markets, on behalf of Sabanci Renewables (Austin, TX), is pleased to offer the sale of long term project Solar Renewable Energy Credits...