MPUA – Request for Power Supply Proposals

Published:May 28, 2024

The North American Energy Markets Association is posting this RFP on behalf of our member MPUA.


The Missouri Joint Municipal Electric Utility Commission dba as Missouri Electric Commission (“MEC”) is issuing a Request for Proposals (“RFP”) associated with meeting forward capacity, energy, and planning reserve margin requirements of the MEC full requirements cities. MEC full requirement pools (MoPEP, MMMPEP, and SWMPEP) are comprised by over 50 Missouri municipal utility cities in the aggregate.

MEC is a joint action agency with 70 municipal electric utility members in the state of Missouri, and has the authority to enter into contracts for power supply, transmission service, and other services necessary for the operation of an electric utility in order to obtain a diversified portfolio of cost-based, reliable resources on a long-term basis to meet its member’s total requirements. MEC members have various power supply contracts through MEC or directly with wholesale electric suppliers in the region.

RFP Schedule

Qualified power suppliers may submit proposals in accordance with the procedures and criteria below for up to 150 MW with certain limitations as described. The deadline for receipt of proposals is Monday, June 24th at 5 PM Central time. MEC will develop a short list based on an initial screening of responses received from this solicitation. It is expected by the end of July, MEC will initiate a second contact with selected respondents to request more detailed information that will assist in final evaluations from which contract negotiations will begin.

Find the full RFP here:  MEC 2024 – RFP