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WPPI – RFP for Energy Supply

Published:June 20, 2024

The North American Energy Markets Association is posting this RFP on behalf of our member WPPI Energy.

WPPI Energy (“WPPI”) has a need for additional resources as a result of expiring power purchase agreements.

WPPI invites proposals for long term power supply resources – energy supply with or without capacity. WPPI’s primary interest is for carbon free energy with delivery beginning as early as June 1, 2027 or as late as June 1, 2031 and continuing at least seven years. By 2031, WPPI is seeking 1,250,000 MWh annually. WPPI prefers delivery in MISO Local Resource Zone (LRZ) 2, 4, or the portion of LRZ 1 located within Wisconsin. WPPI will also consider variations to our primary interest, including resources that emit some carbon or are located anywhere within MISO LRZs 1-7 or the MISO PJM External Resource Zone.

Responses to this RFP are due by close of business (5:00 p.m. CDT) on Friday, August 2, 2024. Please indicate your intent to submit a proposal by email to Andy Kellen (akellen@wppienergy.org ) by 5:00 p.m. on Friday, July 5, 2024.

About WPPI:
WPPI is a municipal joint action agency serving 51 customer-owned electric utilities in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Iowa. These utilities purchase their electrical requirements from WPPI and supply power to more than 200,000 homes and businesses. WPPI’s peak demand is approximately 1,050 MW and annual energy requirement about 5.2 million MWh. WPPI has a diverse portfolio of power supply resources, including thermal generation owned by WPPI and its members and unit and system power purchased from other parties. WPPI’s renewable resource portfolio includes power purchase agreements (PPAs) totaling approximately 295 MW of wind, 100 MW of solar and 5 MW of hydroelectric and biogas generation. WPPI is exempt from income taxes. For more general information about WPPI, please visit us online at www.wppienergy.org.

Thank you for considering this opportunity.

WPPI RFP for Energy Supply 2024-06-20